Chuck Allen and Rilla Delorier
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At long last - Spring is returning to us!

Such a fair weather friend, she is. Traipsing about the globe while we endured chilly weather and clouds and rain. This seasonal harlot is not to be trusted! But alas, we cannot turn away from her beauty. We are helpless against her wiles. So...

Let us welcome her back in proper style.


Put another way...

A good-time hootenanny.

In Atlanta, we'd throw big parties every couple of months and invite all our friends. And we would keep doing that, except that...

now we live in portland.

So let's start a brand new tradition together, shall we? Let's get together every so often and celebrate everything worth celebrating. Come expecting to make new friends and create new memories with old ones. 

You see this picture? 

Yeah. Our spread won't look like this. We all know this came straight from Google, and in no way reflects realistic expectations. Hell, Andina couldn't make a spread like this.

Of course, if you're capable of making delicious looking stuff like this, let's have you over for dinner more often. I mean... have us over for dinner more often.

OK here's how this works:

For each party we come up with a food theme. Like... Mediterranean, Breakfast for Dinner, Tailgate Favorites, Deceptively Nutritious, Three Ingredients, etc. You get the picture.

For this first party, the theme is Tapas. Or Pinchos. Whatever. Call it Finger Foods. Small stuff.

Everyone comes with a food and a drink to share that kinda aligns with the theme.

That is the absolute extent of the planning.

Don't feel like making tapas?  Grab something easy at the grocery store. Not a problem!  Don't feel like grabbing something easy at the grocery store? Make some delicious tapas to share. Not a problem! 

The one rule is, don't bother asking what you can bring, because no one really cares all that much.

Just being honest here.

Inevitably the food and drink all combine to make for an amazing feast, no matter what it is! 


Details are so... Winter.
Nonetheless, here are a few things you might like to know:


the party is saturday, march 24 || schedule it.

we light this firecracker at 6pm || y'all come on.

parking is available but limited || uber or walk maybe.

Bring a dish to share || tapas-like.

bring a tasty libation to share || drink up.

dress casual or wear a mariachi band outfit || your choice.

our street is hard to find || good luck.

crash with us if you like || be safe.

dress for every single season at once || it's portland.

adults only this time || sorry kids.

let us know if you're coming by march 21 || rsvp y'all.

Location of Eagle Point

4072 SW Lowell Lane
Portland, OR 97239
770.827.3228 (Chuck)



If you haven't been to visit us before, it's a little tricky to find. Tell your Uber/Lyft driver to look for the gravel driveway between the guardrail and the Dead End sign! 
